If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

I have a male dog should I get a female? | 5 tips before committing

Taking a Second Dog: Tips and Best Practices

If I have a male dog should I get a female? The best companion for your dog, the most important tips and reasons why you agree or reject his choice:

You're considering adopting a second dog to be a playmate for your first one? Uncertain about the compatibility and cohabitation between the two breeds? Follow our advice.

If you're an animal enthusiast looking to provide a companion for your dog, you might be contemplating the benefits and risks. Adopting a second dog can be excellent, but only if several criteria are considered.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

Questions to Ask Before Having Two Dogs at Once:

  • - What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking a second dog?
  • - What advice and best practices should be adopted?
  • - Is it a good idea to have a second dog?

 All the answers to your questions are in this article!

Welcoming a Second Dog: 5 Tips Before Committing

Deciding to welcome a second dog into your home is an ideal and generous idea, offering a family to an animal. However, adopting a second dog into a household with an existing one can sometimes be more challenging than expected.

Indeed, both animals must accept each other, ensuring the first dog doesn't feel deprived and allowing the newcomer to find its place in the new family. However, adding a second dog also disrupts the household's organization.

It's necessary to rearrange certain spaces, plan for new purchases, and reevaluate the household budget to accommodate this new little companion. Here are our 5 tips before committing.

I have a male dog should I get a female, Adopting a second dog is a generous act as you provide a family for an animal without one. The advantage of having two dogs is that they both have a playmate.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

Physical stimulation continues even when you're away. Boredom, destructive behavior, and separation anxiety are no longer issues.

However, there are things to consider before making such a decision to avoid regretting having a second pet: having an additional dog means an increase in the budget reserved for your four-legged companions. The house must also be large enough to provide a clean space for each dog.


Moreover, the attention you usually give to your dog will double with the arrival of a second dog, which needs to be trained, walked, and occupied, taking up more of your time regarding affection, walks, and playtime.

I have a male dog should I get a female puppy

What Age to Adopt a Second Dog, Adult, or Puppy?

Then comes the question of gender and age. There are several options:

  1. Two individuals of the same gender.
  2. One puppy and one adult.
  3. A male-female pair.
  4. Two puppies.

The best pairs are usually the male-female couple, both sterilized. Generally, cohabitation is easier than two dogs of the same sex (not always straightforward).

Cohabitation between two adult male dogs can be very complicated and a source of conflict, especially if they are not neutered.

The risk, when they are not neutered, is overexcitement of the male when the female is in heat. Often, the male dominates without abusing his position.

On the other hand, if the female dominates, she is often tyrannical and never misses an opportunity to assert her dominance.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? Buying two puppies is also an excellent idea; they will grow up together and develop a beautiful bond through games, learning, or common walks. The hierarchy will be established spontaneously.

In the case of cohabitation between an adult dog and a puppy, the hierarchy is quickly established, and it is crucial. The adult is the mentor to the young one, helping with potty training and learning boundaries. This mentoring is instinctive and natural because dogs are social beings.


Similarly, getting a puppy when you already have a female can awaken her maternal instinct, and the puppy will find in her a mother. During the first meeting between the two, ensure that the adult does not conflict with the puppy (very rare situation, no worries).

Is Getting a Second Dog a Good or Bad Idea?

If your companions are of opposite sexes, only some problems are encountered because the male dog rarely attacks puppies and very rarely adult females.

It's an instinct of inhibition. Conversely, if the two future companions are of the same sex, it may be good to impregnate a cloth with the scent of the new arrival and present it to the older one who will get used to the smell.

On D-day, when the dog returns from its walk, the puppy should wait for it in the garden; from there, give all the desired attention to the first dog.

However, whatever pair you choose, cohabitation is generally excellent if the two dogs have the same character. Most often, an overly excited dog and a particularly calm dog get along very poorly and may be in conflict.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

It's better not to adopt a dog to replace a deceased old companion or fill the absence of a parent. The newcomer could struggle to find its place in the new home, and some dogs need attention from the parent only.

How to Prepare for the Meeting Between the Two Dogs?

The arrival of the dog takes place in two stages. The first is done before the D-day. The newcomer should visit its new home, in the absence of its future companion, whom it has already met.

This way, the dog will feel more comfortable and won't detect too many new scents. The second step is the arrangement. Regarding vaccines, all should be up to date.

You may quickly realize that the two dogs you have each have a dominant character. They are more aggressive toward each other, and sometimes confrontation is inevitable.

Each must find its place, and the submissive one must adopt a behavior suitable for its position.

However, you might be tempted to intervene, but you absolutely must not play the role of a mediator. What must be done, though, is to impose yourself as the pack leader. It's your law but also your family, so the dominant and the dominant must be treated the same way.

On the contrary, if a male puppy arrives in a home with an adult male, cohabitation will go well until the younger one reaches puberty. Then, the little one will try to dominate its elder, who won't allow it.

When the puppy urinates, the adult will immediately deposit its urine behind. When the newcomer approaches the barrier, the dog will growl at the new puppy and defend its territory (the same with caresses or meals).

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

The initial impression of an individual is often decisive. The first meeting between the two dogs is essential to avoid any problems. It must take place on neutral and non-stressful ground.

Your attitude is crucial. Don't stress and act without restraint. They are/will be familiar dogs to you. 

Caress both with affection so that the newcomer gets used to you without the current dog feeling neglected. The two dogs will interact with each other. Don't panic if they growl; it's not necessarily a bad sign. On the contrary, growling often occurs during the first meetings.

Two dogs with dominant personalities can attack each other. However, intervening in person is not always an excellent idea, especially since you put yourself in danger (scratches, bites). Acting when dogs growl and show their teeth accentuates the risk of a fight.

 You can, however, divert indirectly (sudden noise, thrown water). The surprise will stop the fight. The two individuals must be separated so that each calms down.

I have a male dog should I get a female, However, it's essential to remain neutral in such situations. Taking sides for one or the other is perceived as an injustice: staying firm and impartial. If there is punishment, it must be collective.

Methods for Successful Cohabitation

The arrival of a new dog requires a new organization for the owner: spending time with each dog but also organizing collective activities. Each furry one must have a clean space, including its bowl, which will notably prevent food theft between the two and create problems between them.

Indeed, the feeding method should be limited because dogs do not necessarily have the same needs in terms of quantity or type of food (age, quality). From the beginning, it's recommended to be strict about feeding times (hours, ways).

However, during meals, the dominant-submissive hierarchy should be disturbed as little as possible: remember that a dog who knows its place in the hierarchy is happy.

Jealousy can arise between the two dogs and manifest when one of them does its business inside, adopts chaotic or nervous behavior, or intervenes between you and the other dog.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

Be careful that the attitude toward your first companion is the same as before. It's not about rejecting your first dog if you're taking care of the second.

The arrival of a new dog in the home generally means more expenses for the maintenance and care of your four-legged companions. They can also get sick or injured. Ensure they are against all risks by opting for dog insurance.

Taking a Second Dog: Tips and Best Practices

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

Tip #1: Adopt a Second Dog Considering Your First Companion

To adopt a second dog in a household that already has one, it's essential to consider your first furry companion to create a good duo. It's better to make sure to cohabit two compatible animals, with similar characters and close needs.

Fostering a good understanding between your two dogs is essential for everyone's well-being and reduces the risk of conflict.

The first dog will be less likely to feel replaced, invaded in its territory, or frustrated about sharing its family. For the second dog, a good duo promotes integration and helps it acclimate more easily to its new home.

To favor a good understanding between your two dogs, here are the duos to prefer:

  • - A male-female pair: Cohabitation between two differently sexed dogs, sterilized, is generally easier than between two dogs of the same sex. Females don't always get along, and males often tend to be more dominant and aggressive toward each other.
  • - A pair of puppies: Adopting two puppies at the same time or a short interval is an ideal situation to allow them to develop a beautiful bond throughout their lives.
  • - A pair between an adult dog and a puppy: Hierarchy is crucial in dogs. Naturally, respect for elders is paramount. A puppy will consider the older dog as its mentor, and the adult will see the puppy as one to educate.
  • - A pair of dogs with similar characters: Avoid adopting a very calm dog and a very excited one, as they will struggle to get along and build a close relationship. It's also preferable to avoid two dominant dogs, as conflict is inevitable.

However, be cautious about adopting a dog if it's intended to replace a lost companion. This tendency should be avoided to allow the new one to have its place fully. Similarly, adopting a second dog to prevent the first from getting bored is not always a solution.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

Some breeds cannot tolerate loneliness and will need their owner's presence regardless. A new furry companion won't change the situation because the lack can only be filled by a human.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

Tip #2: Organize a First Meeting

Before committing to adopting a new dog, make sure it gets along well with your first furry friend. Organize a meeting in a neutral place that won't trigger territorial conflicts. Prefer a meeting during a walk, at a time when the dogs are happy and relaxed, in an open space.

As the owner of the first dog and potential owner of the second, remain calm. Act naturally, without stress or restraint, as if you were encountering another ordinary animal.

If you appear tense or anxious, the dogs will sense it and won't know how to behave. The risk of tensions is more significant.

Both animals must be able to communicate freely with each other. Some growling is natural and not a cause for concern. Don't intervene and don't scold them.

It's sometimes a natural step to find a balance and is a typical behavior between two dogs getting to know each other. However, if fights are inevitable, you can seek the services of a dog trainer.

Your attitude during this initial meeting is crucial because the first impression is decisive.

Note that if the new animal is a puppy, make sure your adult dog won't attack it. While it's rare for an adult to attack a small one, caution is necessary.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

Tip #3: Arrange Your Home

The two animals seem ready to get along. It's now time to arrange your home to welcome your new furry companion. This arrangement must be done in two steps: the home visit and the adaptation.

Home Visit:

Allow your new dog to visit its new home calmly. This will help it discover the place calmly and peacefully, allowing it to acclimate better to its new home.

You will help it not to feel too much in this new environment where another dog already lives. Without the presence of your first furry companion, the new one may feel more at ease.

Arrangement of the Spaces:

To welcome your pet, you'll need to rethink your layout and plan for all the necessary items in duplicate. Each must have its space, and belongings, and needs to be respected.

 Each must have its bedding, be quiet and isolated from the others, its bowls, and toys. Don't force them to share; it can be difficult for them, especially during the first days of cohabitation.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

Tip #4: Adjust Your Daily Life

Living with two dogs will inevitably be different. It is essential to prepare and adapt to this change. A new organization will gradually take place, where everyone will find their place.

While your two animals must get along, each should enjoy spending time not only with their new companion but also with their owner. Similarly, if group activities with both dogs are important, each furry friend should also have the opportunity for quality time with their owners.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

During meals, each dog should eat from their bowl, in the space or corner designated for them. Avoid free-feeding, which is a bad habit that can lead to overweight and can be problematic when the two dogs have different dietary needs.

Assert yourself during meals by giving clear commands to avoid chaotic situations.

In terms of playtime, dogs can be possessive or even jealous. Each should have the time for cuddles and games they need every day. To prevent frustrations, decide on the timing for affection and different interactions to avoid triggering jealousy reactions.

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

Tip #5: Learn to Manage Conflicts

Tensions are always possible between two cohabiting dogs, especially when dealing with two breeds with strong characters. However, it is preferable not to intervene at all times.

If they are only showing teeth or growling at each other, let them manage the situation on their own, while keeping a distant eye to ensure it does not escalate. Do not intervene, as you might provoke a fight or even get bitten.

Never use violence against your dogs. But if the situation worsens, remain firm and try to divert their attention to avoid getting hurt yourself.

For example, make a sudden noise to attract their attention, throw water (bucket or glass) on both foes to break up the fight, and separate the two dogs into different rooms to calm them down.

Always remain neutral in such situations. Do not take sides, as supporting one animal over the other could be perceived as unjust by the unsupported dog, potentially worsening the situation. Stay calm, firm, and determined to encourage them to settle down.

I have a male dog should I get a female?

The decision to get a second dog, especially considering the gender, depends on various factors. Here are some considerations when deciding whether to get a female dog to accompany your male dog:

  1. Temperament Compatibility: Consider the individual temperament of your current male dog. Some dogs get along better with dogs of the opposite sex, while others may have preferences based on personality.
  2. Socialization and Training: How well-trained and socialized is your male dog? If your current dog is well-behaved and has good social skills, introducing a new female dog may be easier.
  3. Spaying and Neutering: If your current male dog is not neutered, you might want to consider neutering him before introducing a female. Spaying and neutering can often help manage hormonal behaviors and reduce the likelihood of unwanted breeding.
  4. Age and Energy Level: Consider the age and energy level of your current dog. If your male dog is older and less active, getting a female dog with a compatible energy level can lead to a more harmonious relationship.
  5. Space and Resources: Ensure you have enough space, time, and resources to care for a second dog. This includes providing proper food, veterinary care, and attention to both dogs.
  6. Dominance and Aggression: Be mindful of your male dog's dominance tendencies. Some males may be more dominant and territorial, and introducing a female may require careful monitoring and introduction.
  7. Reasons for Getting a Second Dog: Why do you want to get a second dog? If it's primarily for companionship for your current dog, ensure that both dogs will benefit from the companionship and get along well.
  8. Behavioral Compatibility: Assess the behavioral compatibility of your current dog. Some dogs prefer the company of the opposite sex, while others may be more comfortable with the same sex.
  9. Health Considerations: Consider the health of your current dog. If he has any health issues, getting a second dog may influence his stress levels or medical condition.

if I have a male dog should I get a female or male cat?

I have a male dog. Should I get a female dog as a companion or a male cat:

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? 5 tips before committing

If I have a male dog should I get a female? Choosing the right companion for your male dog depends on various factors, including the individual personalities of the animals involved and your preferences. Here are some considerations for both options:

  •  Getting a Female Dog:
  •  Compatibility of Personalities:

Individual personalities play a significant role. Some male-female pairings get along well, while others may not. It's crucial to consider the temperament and energy level of both dogs.

Spaying and Neutering: If your male dog is not neutered and the female is not spayed, there's a risk of unwanted pregnancies. Spaying and neutering can mitigate this concern.

Territorial Behavior: Some male dogs may exhibit territorial behavior, especially if the female is not spayed. Proper training and supervision can help manage such behaviors.

  •   Getting a Male Cat:
  •   Different Species Dynamics:

Dogs and cats are different species with distinct social structures and communication styles. While many dogs and cats can form strong bonds, it may take time for them to understand each other.

Training and Socialization: Early training and socialization are crucial. Introduce them gradually and ensure the cat has places to retreat if needed. Positive reinforcement for calm behavior can help create a harmonious environment.

Energy Levels: Consider the energy levels of both animals. Some dog breeds are more energetic and may be too boisterous for a cat. Similarly, some cats are more playful and may enjoy the company of an active dog.

Living Space: The living space also matters. Ensure the cat has vertical spaces and hiding spots, and monitor their interactions initially.

Ultimately, the success of introducing a companion depends on the specific animals involved. If possible, consider arranging a controlled meeting between your dog and a potential companion to observe their interactions.

Slow and supervised introductions, positive reinforcement, and patience are key regardless of whether you choose a female dog or a male cat.

 Remember, the temperament of individual animals is crucial. Whether you choose a female dog or a male cat, providing proper training, socialization, and a structured introduction process will increase the likelihood of a positive relationship between your current pet and the new addition.

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